Sky Jack Communications
Founded in 1988, in Houston, Texas, Sky Jack Communications is a full service communication tower
erection, construction, consulting, and RF engineering company based in Houston, Texas and
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Sky Jack provides tower services to the Broadcast industry, Public Utilities, Oil and Gas industries, as
well as a host of Government and Municipal entities. Over the years, a long and satisfied client list
has been developed through many successful and on or under budget projects.
All tower crews are employed directly by Sky Jack, and are trained in the most comprehensive safety
and fall protection programs available today, with continuing education and training being provided on
a regular basis. All tower personnel are certified in the NATE Tower Climbing and Rescue Certification
Program and have current CPR, and Industrial First Aid Training. All field personnel have at least the 10
Hour OSHA Certification, and supervisory personnel have the 30 Hour OSHA Certification, as required
by the U.S. Department of Labor for Tower Workers. The combined knowledge of our crew covers many
decades of experience.
Rick Jones is the President of Sky Jack Communications. Rick is a member of the National Association
of Tower Erectors (NATE) and sits on the Safety and Education Committee of NATE, a member of the
Society of Broadcast Engineers, an authorized trainer in tower and construction activities by the United
States Department of Labor, OSHA, and was first licensed as a Radiotelephone Operator by the Federal
Communications Commission in 1977
9901 Easthaven Blvd, Houston, Texas 77075, Texas